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The Timeless Evolution of Engagement Rings

Engagement rings have come a long way from their ancient origins as symbols of ownership to their modern role as a representative of love and commitment. The origins of engagement rings date back to 2,000 years ago when they were exchanged between Egyptian and Greek cultures. Yet, there is clear evidence that they come from the Roman Empire.

In the Roman Empire, brides received two rings: an iron to wear while she fulfilled her household duties and did the chores and another gold for when she appeared in the public eye. Over time, engagement rings gained popularity and reached their peak during the Renaissance era, when diamond engagement rings were introduced, yet they weren't commonly used due to diamond scarcity at the time. During the Victorian era, they discovered diamonds in the south of Africa, which enabled diamond rings to be more accessible to people yet due to world wars, the economic instability led to a decline of not only diamond rings but engagement rings in general.

De Beers’s “A Diamond is Forever

In the 1940s, De Beers produced a groundbreaking marketing campaign that forever transformed the diamond engagement ring industry. At the core of this campaign was the memorable slogan, "A diamond is forever," which successfully conveyed the idea that diamonds were an everlasting symbol of love and commitment. De Beers worked to create the tradition of gifting a diamond engagement ring, a practice that was not customary at the time. Their marketing efforts romanticized the association between diamonds and love, subtly implying that a significant financial commitment was a testament to love and devotion. This campaign deeply influenced popular culture, making diamond engagement rings a near-universal tradition.

Engagement rings in the modern age.

The diamond engagement ring in the modern age became widely popular, as we know it, from the Debeers campaign. Diamond rings can be designed in a variety of ways, and more recently, brides have started choosing different diamond cuts for unique rings. Many brides seek to add their own unique touch to their rings, and choosing an engagement ring involves choosing metal, often 18k gold or platinum, set in a variety of precious gemstones, including diamonds, sapphires, rubies, and emeralds.

To create your own diamond ring, contact us, and Almasati will be here to assist because jewelry designed together always means a lot more.

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